Robowflex  v0.1
Making MoveIt Easy
structure.h File Reference
#include <dart/dynamics/BoxShape.hpp>
#include <dart/dynamics/CylinderShape.hpp>
#include <dart/dynamics/SphereShape.hpp>
#include <dart/dynamics/MeshShape.hpp>
#include <dart/dynamics/RevoluteJoint.hpp>
#include <dart/dynamics/PrismaticJoint.hpp>
#include <dart/dynamics/FreeJoint.hpp>
#include <dart/dynamics/WeldJoint.hpp>
#include <dart/dynamics/Skeleton.hpp>
#include <robowflex_library/class_forward.h>
#include <robowflex_library/adapter.h>
#include <robowflex_library/tf.h>

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class  robowflex::darts::Structure
 Wrapper class for a dart::dynamics::Skeleton. More...


 Main namespace. Contains all library classes and functions.
 DART-based robot modeling and planning.


dart::dynamics::ShapePtr robowflex::darts::makeGeometry (const GeometryPtr &geometry)
 Convert a robowflex::Geometry to a Dart Shape. More...
std::shared_ptr< dart::dynamics::BoxShape > robowflex::darts::makeBox (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &v)
 Create a box. More...
std::shared_ptr< dart::dynamics::BoxShape > robowflex::darts::makeBox (double x, double y, double z)
 Create a box. More...
std::shared_ptr< dart::dynamics::CylinderShape > robowflex::darts::makeCylinder (double radius, double height)
 Create a cylinder. More...
std::shared_ptr< dart::dynamics::SphereShape > robowflex::darts::makeSphere (double radius)
 Create a sphere. More...
std::shared_ptr< dart::dynamics::MeshShape > robowflex::darts::makeMesh (const GeometryPtr &geometry)
 Create a mesh from a robowflex::Geometry that contains a mesh. More...
std::shared_ptr< dart::dynamics::MeshShape > robowflex::darts::makeArcsegment (double low, double high, double inner_radius, double outer_radius, std::size_t resolution=32)
 Create a circle's arcsector from one angle to another, with a specified radius. More...
void robowflex::darts::setColor (dart::dynamics::BodyNode *node, const Eigen::Vector4d &color)
 Sets the color of the shapes on a body node. More...


static const double robowflex::darts::magic::DEFAULT_DENSITY = 1000.
static const double robowflex::darts::magic::DEFAULT_DAMPING = 0.001
static const double robowflex::darts::magic::DEFAULT_RESTITUTION = 1