io.h File Reference
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <fstream>
#include <boost/date_time.hpp>
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>

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 Main namespace.


const std::string se2ez::io::resolvePath (const std::string &path)
 Resolves file paths to their canonical form. More...
const std::string se2ez::io::loadFileToString (const std::string &path)
 Loads a file to a string. More...
const std::string se2ez::io::runCommand (const std::string &cmd)
 Runs a command cmd and returns stdout as a string. More...
const std::pair< bool, YAML::Node > se2ez::io::loadFileToYAML (const std::string &path)
 Loads a file to a YAML node. More...
void se2ez::io::createDirectory (const std::string &dir)
 Creates a directory. More...
void se2ez::io::createFile (std::ofstream &out, const std::string &file)
 Creates a file and opens an output stream. Creates directories if they do not exist. More...
const std::pair< bool, std::vector< std::string > > se2ez::io::listDirectory (const std::string &directory)
 Lists of the contents of a directory. More...
boost::posix_time::ptime se2ez::io::getDate ()
 Get the current time (up to milliseconds) More...
std::vector< std::stringse2ez::io::tokenize (const std::string &string, const std::string &separators)
 Separates a string into tokens, based upon separators. More...
bool se2ez::io::YAMLToFile (const YAML::Node &node, const std::string &file)
 Write the contents of a YAML node out to a potentially new file. More...
void se2ez::io::sleep (double seconds)
 Have this thread sleep for some number of seconds. More...