Robowflex  v0.1
Making MoveIt Easy
yaml.cpp File Reference
#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <boost/algorithm/hex.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/device/back_inserter.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/filter/zlib.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/filtering_stream.hpp>
#include <robowflex_library/geometry.h>
#include <robowflex_library/io.h>
#include <robowflex_library/tf.h>
#include <robowflex_library/io/yaml.h>
#include <robowflex_library/macros.h>
#include <robowflex_library/yaml.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


 Main namespace. Contains all library classes and functions.
 File and ROS Input / Output operations.


bool robowflex::IO::isNode (const YAML::Node &node)
 Checks if a key exists within a YAML node. More...
moveit_msgs::RobotState robowflex::IO::robotStateFromNode (const YAML::Node &node)
 Converts a robot state YAML to a robot_state message. More...
YAML::Node robowflex::IO::toNode (const geometry_msgs::Pose &msg)
 Converts a pose message to YAML. More...
geometry_msgs::Pose robowflex::IO::poseFromNode (const YAML::Node &node)
 Converts a pose YAML to a goemetry message. More...
YAML::Node robowflex::IO::toNode (const moveit_msgs::PlanningScene &msg)
 Converts a planning scene message to YAML. More...
YAML::Node robowflex::IO::toNode (const moveit_msgs::MotionPlanRequest &msg)
 Converts a motion plan request to YAML. More...
YAML::Node robowflex::IO::toNode (const moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory &msg)
 Converts a motion plan to YAML. More...
YAML::Node robowflex::IO::toNode (const moveit_msgs::RobotState &msg)
 Converts a robot state to YAML. More...
bool robowflex::IO::fromYAMLFile (moveit_msgs::PlanningScene &msg, const std::string &file)
 Loads a planning scene from a YAML file. More...
bool robowflex::IO::fromYAMLFile (moveit_msgs::MotionPlanRequest &msg, const std::string &file)
 Loads a motion planning request from a YAML file. More...
bool robowflex::IO::fromYAMLFile (moveit_msgs::RobotState &msg, const std::string &file)
 Loads a robot state from a YAML file. More...