Making MoveIt Easy
This is the complete list of members for robowflex::Robot, including all inherited members.
allocState() const | robowflex::Robot | |
cloneScratchState() const | robowflex::Robot | |
distanceToIKQuery(const IKQuery &query, const robot_state::RobotState &state) const | robowflex::Robot | |
dumpGeometry(const std::string &file) const | robowflex::Robot | |
dumpPathTransforms(const robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectory &path, const std::string &filename, double fps=30, double threshold=0.0) const | robowflex::Robot | |
dumpToScene(const std::string &filename) const | robowflex::Robot | |
dumpTransforms(const std::string &filename) const | robowflex::Robot | |
getHandler() | robowflex::Robot | |
getHandlerConst() const | robowflex::Robot | |
getJointNames() const | robowflex::Robot | |
getLinkTF(const std::string &name) const | robowflex::Robot | |
getModel() | robowflex::Robot | |
getModelConst() const | robowflex::Robot | |
getModelName() const | robowflex::Robot | |
getName() const | robowflex::Robot | |
getRelativeLinkTF(const std::string &base, const std::string &target) const | robowflex::Robot | |
getScratchState() | robowflex::Robot | |
getScratchStateConst() const | robowflex::Robot | |
getSolverBaseFrame(const std::string &group) const | robowflex::Robot | |
getSolverTipFrames(const std::string &group) const | robowflex::Robot | |
getSRDF() const | robowflex::Robot | |
getSRDFString() const | robowflex::Robot | |
getState() const | robowflex::Robot | |
getStateMsg() const | robowflex::Robot | |
getURDF() const | robowflex::Robot | |
getURDFString() const | robowflex::Robot | |
handler_ | robowflex::Robot | protected |
hasJoint(const std::string &joint) const | robowflex::Robot | |
imap_ | robowflex::Robot | protected |
initialize(const std::string &urdf_file) | robowflex::Robot | |
initialize(const std::string &urdf_file, const std::string &srdf_file, const std::string &limits_file="", const std::string &kinematics_file="") | robowflex::Robot | |
initializeFromYAML(const std::string &config_file) | robowflex::Robot | |
initializeInternal(bool namespaced=true) | robowflex::Robot | protected |
initializeKinematics(const std::string &kinematics_file) | robowflex::Robot | |
isLinkURDF(tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc, const std::string &name) | robowflex::Robot | |
kinematics_ | robowflex::Robot | protected |
kinematics_function_ | robowflex::Robot | protected |
limits_function_ | robowflex::Robot | protected |
loader_ | robowflex::Robot | protected |
loadKinematics(const std::string &group, bool load_subgroups=true) | robowflex::Robot | |
loadRobotModel(const std::string &description) | robowflex::Robot | protected |
loadSRDFFile(const std::string &srdf_file) | robowflex::Robot | protected |
loadURDFFile(const std::string &urdf_file) | robowflex::Robot | protected |
loadXMLFile(const std::string &file) | robowflex::Robot | |
loadYAMLFile(const std::string &name, const std::string &file) | robowflex::Robot | |
loadYAMLFile(const std::string &name, const std::string &file, const PostProcessYAMLFunction &function) | robowflex::Robot | |
model_ | robowflex::Robot | protected |
name_ | robowflex::Robot | protected |
operator=(Robot const &)=delete | robowflex::Robot | |
PostProcessXMLFunction typedef | robowflex::Robot | |
PostProcessYAMLFunction typedef | robowflex::Robot | |
Robot(const std::string &name) | robowflex::Robot | |
Robot(Robot const &)=delete | robowflex::Robot | |
ROBOT_DESCRIPTION | robowflex::Robot | static |
ROBOT_KINEMATICS | robowflex::Robot | static |
ROBOT_PLANNING | robowflex::Robot | static |
ROBOT_SEMANTIC | robowflex::Robot | static |
scratch_ | robowflex::Robot | protected |
setFromIK(const IKQuery &query) | robowflex::Robot | |
setFromIK(const IKQuery &query, robot_state::RobotState &state) const | robowflex::Robot | |
setGroupState(const std::string &name, const std::vector< double > &positions) | robowflex::Robot | |
setKinematicsPostProcessFunction(const PostProcessYAMLFunction &function) | robowflex::Robot | |
setLimitsPostProcessFunction(const PostProcessYAMLFunction &function) | robowflex::Robot | |
setSRDFPostProcessAddFloatingJoint(const std::string &name) | robowflex::Robot | |
setSRDFPostProcessAddPlanarJoint(const std::string &name) | robowflex::Robot | |
setSRDFPostProcessFunction(const PostProcessXMLFunction &function) | robowflex::Robot | |
setState(const std::vector< double > &positions) | robowflex::Robot | |
setState(const std::map< std::string, double > &variable_map) | robowflex::Robot | |
setState(const std::vector< std::string > &variable_names, const std::vector< double > &variable_position) | robowflex::Robot | |
setState(const sensor_msgs::JointState &state) | robowflex::Robot | |
setState(const moveit_msgs::RobotState &state) | robowflex::Robot | |
setStateFromYAMLFile(const std::string &file) | robowflex::Robot | |
setStateMsgGroupState(moveit_msgs::RobotState &state, const std::string &group, const std::vector< double > &positions) const | robowflex::Robot | |
setURDFPostProcessFunction(const PostProcessXMLFunction &function) | robowflex::Robot | |
srdf_ | robowflex::Robot | protected |
srdf_function_ | robowflex::Robot | protected |
toYAMLFile(const std::string &file) const | robowflex::Robot | |
updateXMLString(std::string &string, const PostProcessXMLFunction &function) | robowflex::Robot | protected |
urdf_ | robowflex::Robot | protected |
urdf_function_ | robowflex::Robot | protected |
validateIKQuery(const IKQuery &query, const robot_state::RobotState &state) const | robowflex::Robot |