Making MoveIt Easy
This is the complete list of members for robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder, including all inherited members.
addCylinderSideGrasp(const std::string &ee_name, const std::string &base_name, const RobotPose &pose, const GeometryConstPtr &cylinder, double distance, double depth, unsigned int n) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
addGoalConfiguration(const std::vector< double > &joints) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
addGoalConfiguration(const robot_state::RobotStatePtr &state) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
addGoalConfiguration(const robot_state::RobotState &state) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
addGoalFromIKQuery(const Robot::IKQuery &query) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
addGoalPose(const std::string &ee_name, const std::string &base_name, const RobotPose &pose, double tolerance=0.001) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
addGoalRegion(const std::string &ee_name, const std::string &base_name, const RobotPose &pose, const GeometryConstPtr &geometry, const Eigen::Quaterniond &orientation, const Eigen::Vector3d &tolerances) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
addGoalRotaryTile(const std::string &ee_name, const std::string &base_name, const RobotPose &pose, const GeometryConstPtr &geometry, const Eigen::Quaterniond &orientation, const Eigen::Vector3d &tolerances, const RobotPose &offset, const Eigen::Vector3d &axis, unsigned int n) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
addPathOrientationConstraint(const std::string &ee_name, const std::string &base_name, const Eigen::Quaterniond &orientation, const Eigen::Vector3d &tolerances) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
addPathPoseConstraint(const std::string &ee_name, const std::string &base_name, const RobotPose &pose, const GeometryConstPtr &geometry, const Eigen::Quaterniond &orientation, const Eigen::Vector3d &tolerances) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
addPathPositionConstraint(const std::string &ee_name, const std::string &base_name, const RobotPose &pose, const GeometryConstPtr &geometry) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
attachObjectToStart(ScenePtr scene, const std::string &object) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
attachObjectToStartConst(const SceneConstPtr &scene, const std::string &object) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
clearGoals() | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
clone() const | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
ConfigurationValidityCallback typedef | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
DEFAULT_CONFIG | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | privatestatic |
fromYAMLFile(const std::string &file) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
getGoalConfiguration() const | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
getID() const | robowflex::ID | |
getKey() const | robowflex::ID | |
getNullKey() | robowflex::ID | static |
getPathConstraints() | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
getPlanner() const | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
getPlannerConfig() const | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
getPlanningGroup() const | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
getRequest() | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
getRequestConst() const | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
getRobot() const | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
getStartConfiguration() const | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
getVersion() const | robowflex::ID | |
group_name_ | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | private |
ID() | robowflex::ID | |
id_ | robowflex::ID | private |
incrementVersion() | robowflex::ID | protected |
initialize() | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
jmg_ | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | private |
Key typedef | robowflex::ID | |
MotionRequestBuilder(const RobotConstPtr &robot) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
MotionRequestBuilder(const RobotConstPtr &robot, const std::string &group_name, const std::string &planner_config="") | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
MotionRequestBuilder(const PlannerConstPtr &planner, const std::string &group_name, const std::string &planner_config="") | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
MotionRequestBuilder(const MotionRequestBuilder &other) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
operator==(const ID &b) const | robowflex::ID | |
operator==(const Key &b) const | robowflex::ID | |
planner_ | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | private |
precomputeGoalConfigurations(std::size_t n_samples, const ScenePtr &scene, const ConfigurationValidityCallback &callback={}) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
request_ | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | private |
robot_ | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | private |
setAllowedPlanningTime(double allowed_planning_time) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setConfig(const std::string &requested_config) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setGoalConfiguration(const std::vector< double > &joints) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setGoalConfiguration(const robot_state::RobotStatePtr &state) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setGoalConfiguration(const robot_state::RobotState &state) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setGoalFromIKQuery(const Robot::IKQuery &query) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setGoalPose(const std::string &ee_name, const std::string &base_name, const RobotPose &pose, double tolerance=0.001) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setGoalRegion(const std::string &ee_name, const std::string &base_name, const RobotPose &pose, const GeometryConstPtr &geometry, const Eigen::Quaterniond &orientation, const Eigen::Vector3d &tolerances) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setNumPlanningAttempts(unsigned int num_planning_attempts) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setPlanner(const PlannerConstPtr &planner) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setPlanningGroup(const std::string &group_name) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setStartConfiguration(const std::vector< double > &joints) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setStartConfiguration(const robot_state::RobotState &state) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setStartConfiguration(const robot_state::RobotStatePtr &state) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setWorkspaceBounds(const moveit_msgs::WorkspaceParameters &wp) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
setWorkspaceBounds(const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &min, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &max) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
swapStartWithGoal() | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
toYAMLFile(const std::string &file) const | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
useSceneStateAsStart(const SceneConstPtr &scene) | robowflex::MotionRequestBuilder | |
version_ | robowflex::ID | private |